The project on "Youth Dialogue on Confidence and State-Building" is an initiative in which the Crisis Management Initiative (CMI) is partnering with the University of Juba Centre for Peace and Development Studies (CPDS) as well as the Organization for Nonviolence and Development (ONAD).
The project will contribute to the peaceful reformation of South Sudan's statehood given the new reality of independence.
This is to be achieved through a bottom-up process by providing a platform for confidence and state-building among youth leaders, broadly understood as "young influencers".The dialogue workshops will identify common values and interets of the selected youth and cover issues identified as relevant by them to nation building and conflict resolution.
The project will aim at
a) building confidence between and among youth influencers, and
b) depening the participation and ownership of the youth influencers over shaping the future of South Sudan.
The goal of the project is to feed the views of the youth influencers into key political processes in South Sudan, such as the constitution drafting and parliamentary sessions at state and national levels.