AVP South Sudan in Africa Conference of Alternatives to Violence Project
Luka Deng, Nonviolence Trainer and the Coordinator of the Alternatives to Violence Project (AVP) Facilitators' Forum South Sudan has represented AVP South Sudan in the Africa Gathering of the Alternatives to Violence Project in Kigali, Rwanda, in August 2016.
He displayed a colorful banner with the vision, mission and some highlights from the recent activities that AVP trainers undertook in South Sudan (see pictures attached), and he said:
Now the situation is back to normal in Juba. I hope that it will continue to be normal so that we are able to live a normal life, and that peace and reconciliation will be the songs that every citizen can sing within the country so that peace and love is restored among the people of South Sudan, because the conflict had destroyed the social fabric among the communities.
Some sights and scenes from the AVP Africa Gathering can be viewed here : http://avp.international/sights-and-scenes-from-the-avp-african-regional...